Monday, April 02, 2001

kindred spirts are beautiful. i just wish i had one that stayed in my life for more than just a couple of weeks or months. i've had seasons where i've met someone who "gets" a little of me and i "get" a little of them...guy or girl...but it never lasts, but it'd be nice if it did...

i don't know why i've never had a guy that was a kindred spirit. i don't know if that's even a weird concept. i don't ever hear guys talking about soulmates, unless it's talking about a girl. and me, well, i've just never met anyone i wanted to share that much of myself with. and i know trent or todd or ryan or zech or shannon or eric will read this and perhaps wonder the same thing, but i don't know that i have an answer. it's just easier this way, i guess. and i guess in some ways i just assume they won't understand me, even if i took the time to share...

and, yeah, i wish i could find a girl/the girl that would fit that description. i think that's why i've been looking so long and dated so few. i don't want to date just anyone. i want to date someone i could share anything with, and share everything i am forever.

not just for a few months. there's too much energy involved. reaching outside of myself is hard enough as it is. so i'll just keep to myself until then. i want it to be something that lasts. that has some sort of eternal quality to it.

but, yeah, until I can say the same thing to my Father, why should i even think about a kindred spirit here on earth?

i don't know what else to add now. i'm feeling rather shallow right now. but, yeah, like everyone else said...thanks for sharing...

from the Singer:

Two artists met one time within a little wood. Each brought his finest paiting stroked by his complete uniqueness. When each revealed his canvas to the other--they were identical.

So once in every solar system there are two fingerprints alike.

But only once.


I'd like to be one of those two artists, one day...

man. worship. such an amazing thing. to think that the God of this universe, lacking in nothing, desires us to worship Him. what can we possibly give Him? how can we possibly contribute to the proclamation of His greatness? Yet it pleases Him. He says He inhabits our praise. we, filthy menstrual rags that we are, can somehow give Him glory. The angels in their greatness praise Him neverending, and yet He still longs to hear us give Him glory, longs to see our lives giving Him glory...

and, yeah, that's all too often what i use worship for. looking for something to refresh me, to fill me up. i got an email from this local Bible study, prompting us to come to worship to get refreshed for the week. yeah. i'm sure that's part of it, and God loves to bring refreshment and newness and a sense of "rightness" to His children, but how often do I sit down to worship to actually try to be about proclaiming the greatness of our Lord with every atom in my being.

"it's all about You, Jesus (i'm sorry for the things i've made it)."

and i also identified with the whole issue of weakness. especially here lately (as in the past year or so). and i think for me it's less of an issue of me thinking i'm strong on my own, or that i'm a strong person per se, though i think i am in various ways, just not in the ways you were mentioning about yourself, anyway...for me it's more of an issue where i've done some things that have really hurt God and done some things that cause me to feel like i don't deserve His strength, even in my weakness.

this is making no sense.

i guess i'm just trying to say that i feel weak a lot, but don't really look to Him for strength, as opposed to feeling strong a lot and then not letting Him be strong in my weaknesses.

but that's just me. (maybe).

but i think it's awesome God's been showing that to you. it's cool to read about how God is working in other people's lives, and to know that it doesn't (and rarely is) the same for each individual.

I'm feeling rather shallow today.