Monday, April 02, 2001

kindred spirts are beautiful. i just wish i had one that stayed in my life for more than just a couple of weeks or months. i've had seasons where i've met someone who "gets" a little of me and i "get" a little of them...guy or girl...but it never lasts, but it'd be nice if it did...

i don't know why i've never had a guy that was a kindred spirit. i don't know if that's even a weird concept. i don't ever hear guys talking about soulmates, unless it's talking about a girl. and me, well, i've just never met anyone i wanted to share that much of myself with. and i know trent or todd or ryan or zech or shannon or eric will read this and perhaps wonder the same thing, but i don't know that i have an answer. it's just easier this way, i guess. and i guess in some ways i just assume they won't understand me, even if i took the time to share...

and, yeah, i wish i could find a girl/the girl that would fit that description. i think that's why i've been looking so long and dated so few. i don't want to date just anyone. i want to date someone i could share anything with, and share everything i am forever.

not just for a few months. there's too much energy involved. reaching outside of myself is hard enough as it is. so i'll just keep to myself until then. i want it to be something that lasts. that has some sort of eternal quality to it.

but, yeah, until I can say the same thing to my Father, why should i even think about a kindred spirit here on earth?

i don't know what else to add now. i'm feeling rather shallow right now. but, yeah, like everyone else said...thanks for sharing...

from the Singer:

Two artists met one time within a little wood. Each brought his finest paiting stroked by his complete uniqueness. When each revealed his canvas to the other--they were identical.

So once in every solar system there are two fingerprints alike.

But only once.


I'd like to be one of those two artists, one day...

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